What seeds Emilie Lilja's heart
We truly admire Emilie Lilja, - she’s such a loving person that burns to do a difference.
She spends so much though and energy to voice out what’s on her mind and in her emotional state. She has the courage to focus on subjects that most people are scared of or insecure about. She’s a helpful soul that strives to make a difference for younger people and is a true inspiration to many. For us, she’s 'a one of kind' - a person with her heart at the right place and we have a big love for her. It made so much sense to shoot this campaign with her, which is all about being true to your own heart.
While shooting the campaign on a sunny day in Copenhagen we asked Emilie a few question…
TT: What seeds your heart?
EM: Love, nature, honesty, a deeper connection to various people and to be present.
TT: What do you do to feel connected to your heart?
EM: The past year has been very transforming for me - coping with always being there for somebody or be something for someone. Both in private settings or as a public figure, I’ve started to search for the core of me and in this process, I’ve become more aware of who I am - and not pay attention to who everyone thinks I should be or to maintain a certain image of me, that others (or I) have created. I’m learning how to just be me and that it is more than enough to be loved and accepted. This is a very hard but exciting process, as it also taps into deeper feelings and perception of who I am as a human.
And when I pay attention and focus on what seeds my heart, to be present, to breathe, to do things that I really appreciate and love, to be with people I love and connect with, to dare to be me and show myself as I truly am, regardless of what anyone thinks, I feel a very strong connection to my heart and soul.
TT: How do you feel this collection relates/speaks to you?
EM: I learned about this collection in the beginning of June, about same time as I started the transformation. It occurred to me, as Trine started speaking about what seeds her heart, that I didn’t have that connection. I had, what I think most of us recognize, some superficial feelings about what seeds my heart, (love is the easy one to speak about) but did I honestly know if that was me? Wasn’t there anything more to it?
I’ve spent so much time being inside my head these past years, rather than in my body, feelings and emotional state. I want to control every outcome, I overthink, overanalyze, the swarms of thoughts were getting too much, I was stressed out, burned out.
This is changing now - and the collection speaks more and more to me as I’m in this process, but also because it feeds my masculine energy, but at the same time to my feminine sides, which I would like to show more, because it is me”. Therefore, it is a perfect mix of who I am and how I see myself and that is why I said yes to be a part of this campaign.