JunkFood - nutritious food for the most vulnerable
Everyone in our society is severely effected by the Corona crisis, but for some the situation is extremely urgent. While citizens are encouraged to stay at home, some of the weakest in the community - those with no home - and now without shelters which are closing down due to the risk of infection. JunkFood’s ambition is to provide warm, round-the-clock meals to the many homeless in Copenhagen.
The Corona crisis has made the need for projects like JunkFood more relevant than ever, and they want to maintain the project on the other side of the crisis as well.
Trine read an interview about Chef Rasmus Munk who is the main leader for this project and wanted to contribute.
We will donate 20% of all online sales between May, 15-29th in order for them to buy their grocery’s and keep their generous project growing. 🥦🥕🌽